
July 13, 2020 | 12:14

Debunking The Myth Of 10% Brain Usage

The human brain is a marvel of biological engineering. It allowed us to accumulate and pass on the knowledge of many prior generations throughout millennia, resulting in a civilization that went into space, taught computers to see and speak, and that continually discovers and investigates the laws of the Universe. Read more

July 6, 2020 | 12:13

How People Learn — The Brain Basics

Have you ever thought about how people learn? What happens inside your brain when you learn some new information or practice a novel skill? And is there a way to enhance the outcomes of learning? This article is the first in the series on “How People Learn,” in which I invite you to embark on a journey toward a better understanding of the most sophisticated construct in the Universe—the human brain. Read more

June 22, 2020 | 12:11

How To Become A Software Engineer Expert—The Pyramid of Mastery

Previously I defined The Pyramid Of Mastery—a model that describes the aspects of what does being an Expert mean. But a model without some specific examples of how it applies to the real world doesn’t really mean anything. Therefore, in this post, I will provide an example of what does it mean to master the Software Engineering domain. To narrow things down a bit, let’s focus on Software Engineering in Web Development. Read more

June 15, 2020 | 12:10

The Imperceptible Nature Of Everyday Change

Think about yourself one year ago as of now. Are you different? How? Are you more or less healthy? Are you more or less wealthy? Are you more or less proficient at what you do? Is your relationship with your spouse/partner better or worse? Now take a moment and think when did those changes happen? Is there a specific day during which all those changes have occurred? Several days? Read more

June 8, 2020 | 12:09

The Path Toward Mastery — How To Become An Expert In Your Field

With the advent of the informational era, and lately, usage of Artificial Intelligence to automate and make some jobs obsolete, new professions appear and others evolve, making people be on a constant learning spree to keep up with the industries' standards. Along with that, globalization and technological advances blur the boundaries between physical locations and make it possible to hire people from all over the world. This global marketplace puts an additional strain on people, as they have to compete for a job not only with others within a city or state but with millions of people from other countries as well. Read more

June 4, 2020 | 12:08

How Education Discriminates Children In Favor Of Adults

Education is such a broad topic that it can’t be covered in a single article, not even in a book. Nevertheless, today’s education discriminates against children in schools and universities. Let’s make a parallel analysis of both the participants in education and the environment where learning happens so that we could see how things are going today. Read more

May 28, 2020 | 12:06

How I Saved 14 Hours Of Working Time Each Month

I have graduated the Technical University of Moldova and at the beginning of my professional career I combined Software Engineering with Corporate Trainings - I was working as a Trainer and Quality of Sales Coordinator (such a fancy title) at the biggest telecom company in Republic of Moldova, delivering soft and hard skills trainings as well as organizing team-building activities for all employees. Read more